
CannaCare in the Revised Obama-Trump Care Act

Maybe it's time the Cannabis Community weigh in on the health care war facing our country in the next 16 days.  Maybe it's the time to bring natural medicine into the equation since we have 27 states that have chosen medical marijuana.

When will it be the right time to have the conversation about natural medicine being paid by insurance companies?

Why not on the biggest platform, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC? Why not NOW?  

Where are the Natural Medicine DOCTORS who are prescribing CANNABIS to patients?

 Natural Medicine DOCTORS, CANNABIS DOCTORS, 420 DOCTORS join together and WEIGH IN on the conversation about the revised Obama-Trump Health Care Act!

The TIME is NOW! 

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Black People Need to Change Their Ways!

There should come a time when customs evolve in all cultures.  This writer can write about the Black Experience since I've been Afro-American all my life.  Just the words Black versus Afro-American still raises eyebrows in our culture.  Black and Afro-American is a prime example of evolving...CHANGE within a culture.  Change tends to welcome questions, uncertainty and even sometimes fear to people. One has to believe CHANGE is necessary for growth in all aspects of life.  Change is adaptation which is a dynamic cannamazing process!

Well adaptation is definitely needed in the Black/Afro-American community in regards to the medical cannabis industry. The majority of Black/Afro-American people are hesitant to accept cannabis as a natural healing medicine.  The years of negative propaganda revolving around cannabis has caused the Black/Afro-American community to be confused or completely biased in a negative manner towards cannabis as a medicine.  This attitude needs to CHANGE! 

People, not just Black/Afro-American people are dying every second because of a life threatening disease that could have been treated and sometimes cured by using a form of cannabis. 

A real life story... I stopped by to see a mentor/friend who has been ill for quite a few months now.  My mentor has the best care from the best doctors at one of the best facilities in Southern Cal, Cedars Sinai. For the past few months, I've observed his health go from 80% to 50% in less than five months due to pharmaceuticals.  So naturally, I being a natural medicine BELIEVER suggested to the family to try natural medicine... I said, " Try cannabis since the 25 pills a day of pharmaceuticals isn't working!"  I implied the medication was breaking his body down slowly.  

Wow, you talking about being escorted to the front door.  I was asked to leave and not to ever return to see my mentor/friend, a man who I love like a father.  I know this man is strong and definitely not ready to leave this world, but he has expressed to me he feels so weak.  In my opinion, my mentor is so weak, he cannot express to his family that he is READY for a CHANGE in medication.  After not being able to sleep regularly at night plus not feeling his body re-gain strength is causing him to lose HOPE and his family does not even recognize it!

Black people need to change their ways! 

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

Episode 8: Man In The Mirror; President Elect

President Elect stands in front of mirror: " Well, it's the sixteen day home stretch until I rule America.  No more sharing the role, transitioning the role, mocking the role plain and simple, just get ready for my ascendancy!  Yes, I know things that others in the U.S. government and security agencies are not aware of from abroad.  My many business relationships around the globe allow for me to have access to highly secure privileged information that sometimes is government protected from other countries.  My team and I are preparing to shock The System!  Yes, 'The System' that I have mastered! A football legend,  an explicit talking, chair throwing basketball coach, and a former Super Bowl Champion linebacker are a few on hand at my preliminary Inaugural Celebration on January 19.  On my inaugural day, Rockettes will do their duty for the Commander in Chief and lyrics will sound loudly from the West rockin' Pennsylvania Avenue hip hop style to my Get-Right posse! Meanwhile, I have a new pen being designed for me to re-write and rebuke starting January 21, 2017!"

Mirror: "Manipulate"

President Elect in front of the mirror: "Manipulate is exactly what I intend to do during my term as the Commander in Chief of the United States of America!  Manipulate is M.O.!"

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

CannaKids, Where There is Breath, There is Hope!

The glittery cannamazing feelings of the holidays spirit still lingers in the air after a winter wonderland in the California mountains.  Snow angels, snowballs, snowman, hot chocolate, vegan chili, turkey chili and lots of desserts made for a festive 2 day atmosphere for many cannabis lovers and a couple of CannaKid families!  Of course, it would have been cannamazing to have more CannaKids and their parents join the winter wonderland extravaganza, but the challenges of some of the CannaKids are so over whelming that it makes committing to events very difficult for their families.

So many times we take for granted our health and capabilities to walk, run, play, laugh without pain, sleep without pain, eat without digestion problems, swim, ride horses, enjoy sleep-overs, or just to play in the snow... Well, think of the CannaKids and their families who are not able to enjoy all the cannamazing joys of the winter during the most festive season of the year! 

Where there is breath, there is HOPE for the CannaKids, a cannamazing motto for the CannaKids organization founded by Tracy Ryan.  Tracy knows first hand of the many challenges that families must endure when their child is diagnosed with a threatening terminal illness. When Western medicine sometimes only offers ways to heal by damaging or killing 'live cells',  a family must choose other options for healing their children with no or as minimal side effects and pain as possible for the child to endure. Who has the right to question the parents decision about their child's well being and medical choices?

Statistics indicate Caucasian families opt more for natural healing methods with cannabis than other ethnic groups.  More families should seek information from CannaKids to become educated on ways of healing your loved ones by using the magical remedies of cannabis.

Connect with CannaKids at  Remember, where there is breath, there is HOPE!

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

Episode 7: Man in the Mirror; President Elect

President Elect stands in front of mirror:  “My tweets, a visit from a rap star, my business empire, the First Daughter role overriding the First Lady’s role, violence worldwide, drone theft,  and now the talk of Nukes are consuming my holiday vacation.  My plate is full and there’s still 27 days until I’m in full control of leading the ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ for America.  It’s clear my influence has already gone into effect, causing a mid-east vote to halt, the stock market to climb, and rumbles of a trade war!  My team is preparing for the ghost date press conference to bring America up to date on my agenda… Although, it’s clear as glass, “I’m doing things my way!”

Mirror:  “Repent”

President Elect in front of mirror:  “Repent is not in my vocabulary!  As a youngster, my favorite game was BATTLESHIP!  My chess game developed in my older years as I began manipulating the system and building my brand… Repent?  No, let the games begin!”

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