
Cannabis Industry Contributing to Communities

Since a large percentage of medical marijuana clinics are not-for-profit or non-profit organizations, the clinics are viable contributors to their surrounding communities.  Since federal laws prohibit the medical marijuana non-profits to donate to federal funded non-profit organizations, the rules may be different towards state funded non-profits organizations and services where medical marijuana is legal. The contributions from the medical marijuana clinics to other non profit community organizations can assist in many positive ways.

Housing programs, food banks, legal aid, youth and adult programs and services are all areas your local medical marijuana non-profit business can contribute.  The Cannabis businesses can also participate in community events.  There are several medical marijuana businesses that already contribute to their communities in major ways!  Community programs help make the community stronger while providing the residents of the community a positive, comfortable environment to reside.

So the next time you have a community event, contact your local medical marijuana business to participate and support your community event.  Cannabis can help make world a better place for all to enjoy and live life to its cannamazing fullest!

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

Episode 6: Man In The Mirror, President Elect

President Elect stands in front of the mirror: "Less than 39 days before I take the oath and it becomes official, I am the 45th President of the United States of America!  The protests and the recount of the votes have settled while my administration team choices continue to rattle the other side.  My legal team has had enough time to dissect the legalities of my cannamazing business empire as it pertains to me as the Commander in Chief of the USA... It seems I can remain in control of my empire while dictating to The People my methods of 'Making America Great Again'.  My off springs will operate daily operations of the empire with my silent loud input!  It did not make me happy for the union president to blow my cover of the 1000 jobs saved from the Carrier.  Okay it wasn't a 1000 jobs, but I needed to make myself look good, so I rounded off a little higher than I should have.  Hey, at least I spoke up for the over rated cost of the new Air Force 1's by Boeing.  No way will I allow a four billion contract for Boeing to build the aircraft when I just sold my Boeing stock earlier this year! We want Boeing to make money, but not that much money without me getting a piece of the pie. Ooh, sushi never tasted better than the 50,000 jobs I am responsible for from Japan! The Dreamers are wondering if they can dream in America after January 20, 2017?  I'm making moves all day and late into my nights as I prepare to conquer America.  No, I still don't hear the daily briefings, I have people handling that to keep me abreast of the important doo doo, so I can make the strategic moves. My tweets still agitate the media... Like I care!"

Mirror: "Etiquette"

President Elect in the mirror: "Did you just say, etiquette?  I have polished my appeal to The People.  My speeches are improving.  I admit I speak regularly to my counselor, the current Commander in Chief.  Yes, it's true I'm considering him as a member of the staff... Maybe, Educator in Chief or something with power status... we'll figure it out.  I know my 'Get Right' crew will cause a stir, but I continue to make the moves in the game... My bishops are still chillin'!"

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

Winter Wonderland For CannaKids 'ON HOLD'!

Winter Wonderland for our CannaKids is ‘on hold’ because we have no real validated CannaKids. Our primary source, CannaKids didn’t have information available at the time for Cannabis Talk Show LIVE regarding the number of CannaKids in the USA. Demographics of the CannaKid families or photos of the CannaKids when we contacted the organization last week. Before making any assumptions, Cannabis Talk Show LIVE will wait to discuss the CannaKids non-profit organization with Founder/Director, Tracy Ryan later this month to determine how good Samaritans can reach out to our CannaKids during the season of giving and any other time of the year.

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE


There are speculations of a new Cannabis Power Plant Fitness Center coming soon to San Francisco, California.  One of the primary owners is former NFL cannamazing runningback, Ricky Williams.  Ricky has been a major cannabis advocate for years and has expressed his passion to continue educating himself and others about this miraculous plant.  During his journey in the cannabis industry, Ricky has stay connected to fitness by making appearances and participating in the 420 Games founded by former snowboarder, Jim McAlpine.  Two athletes meet and instantly a vision to give the public the first cannabis allowed fitness center in the United States of America! Wow, cannamazing!

Ricky think twice before making this investment.  Will the gym become a social gym instead of focusing on your workouts? How long will the average client stay at the facility?  It's a given, the gym will offer 'extras' such as massages, hot bubble baths, private rooms (trouble) and edible/juice bar for a generous cost.  Most people want to relax and unwind after a workout, I get it... But isn't the relaxation better after a shower or a soothing bubble bath? Isn't the best place for this cannamazing treatment at home?  A fitness center offering a cannabis lounge or freedom to medicate anywhere in the facility seems a fulfillment of someone's else's dream on an investor's dollar!  Ricky, think twice!

Cannabis Talk Show LIVE

Status Quo Is The Benchmark For The Cannabis Industry

From the outside looking inside of the cannabis industry, one could assume African Americans in the cannabis industry endorsing products are a part of your 'status quo' individuals.  The 'status quo' individual(s) has a self contained brand in which to build and prosper. Basic marketing strategies in the cannabis industry are the same as in any other business striving for success.  Popularity translates into numbers; numbers convert to dollars!  Therefor, it is extremely important to attach your product or service to the 'status quo' individuals in order to piggy back off of their branded name.

It's ironic the majority of the 'status quo' individuals acting as a spokesperson in the cannabis industry are African Americans or other people of color. The 'status quo' individuals are endorsing everything in the industry from soil, nutrients, software, recreational facilities, recreational activities, farms/grow facilities, flowers, concentrates and so on... the list goes on...  The face on the label, the name on the product or service and guest appearances at events contributes to the popularity of that particular brand which converts into dollars and success.  This is cannamazing for a start-up business in any industry... Again, basic marketing strategies.

Another group of 'status quo' individuals are the pioneers and specialists of the cannabis industry.  These individuals come from all backgrounds of life and the world with the same passion... LOVE for cannabis!  These individuals have sacrificed time, energy, finances, and risk to manifest the cannabis industry. Most of these individuals are the EXPERTS, speakers, cannabis consultants, business owners, investment leaders, policy writers, activists, and the list goes on...

And so with all that has been written above, it is safe to assume that in the cannabis industry, YOU can become a 'status quo' individual!

Bring your already existing talents to the cannabis industry.  Grow, prosper be HAPPY and feel CANNAMAZING!

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